3. Core APIs

3.2. Notification API POST

When a new mandate registration request is created a URL is sent to the mobile number/email of the customer.

This API is used resend the URL to the customer. The API can be used to send the URL to an alternative email/mobile number and update the same to the mandate request. The API will return an error if the mandate request for the reference number passed has already been authorised or rejected.

The details of the API are given below:

3.1.1. Request

Request URL / Method

Attribute Value
URL https:///corporate/mr/{referenceNumber}/notify
Method POST

Request Body

Name Mandatory Max. Length Type Description
utilityCode M 18 AN NPCI Identifier for the merchant. (see Prerequisites)
mobile O 10 Numeric 10 digit mobile number without any country prefix. Example: 9876543210 (no +91)
email O 50 AN Must be a valid email format
channel O 5 ALL/SMS/EMAIL Channel through which customer can get mandate registration notification.
update O 3 YES/NO If update is ‘YES’ it changes the URL.
3.2.2. Response

The API returns the standard response described in the Overview section. The following tables enumerate the possible “code” values for an API failure and describe the JSON object in the “message” in case of the API success.

Response Message Object Details

Name Type Description
utilityCode string NPCI Identifier for the merchant. (see Prerequisites)
referenceNumber string Can be used to refer to the mandate request with the Provider. If not passed, the Gateway will assign a unique reference number.
event string Mandate Registration request.
channel string Through which customer gets notification about mandate registration.
update string YES to enable Notify Request. NO to disable.
nbOfSms Integer Number of times SMS sent.
nbOfEmail Integer Number of times Email sent.
curl --location 'https://sandbox-api.paycorp.io/v0.0.0/corporate/mr/28780431285322f252/notify' \
    --header 'x-api-key: Paycorp will provide api key at the time of onboarding ' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=D926A8EFB6B24E7008B91FEBE7336351' \
    --data-raw '{
        "utilityCode": "NACH00000000000019",
        "channel": "EMAIL",
        "mobile": "8904987777",
        "email": "brand288@gmail.com",
        "update": "NO"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here! Or choose an example:
