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Yes. Internet connectivity is completely safe for participation in NACH Credit. For the purpose of participation in NACH Credit through Internet, participating banks needs to share a public static IP address with NPCI. This public static IP address is enabled in the NPCI firewall.
Banks need to share Public Static IP address with NPCI for accessing the NACH Credit through Internet. The Public Static IP address is enabled in the firewall of NPCI in order to allow the banks to access NACH System through Internet.
Banks willing to participate in NACH Credit needs to comply with the following:
  • Prescribed System Requirements
  • Execute Onboarding Documents
  • Establish Network Connectivity
  • Procure Digital Signature Certificates, Signing Tool and Public Static IP Address
  • Undergo UAT for File Format Testing
  • Initiate On-us Transaction for Testing
  • Direct Corporate Access (DCA) functionality facilitates the access of NACH Credit to the Corporates thus leading to ease of operations both for the Corporates as well as their Sponsor Banks. DCA functionality comes with the sponsor bank’s control thereby allowing the tracking of transactions, reports and MIS by all the concerned entities without having a dependency on the sponsor bank.
    Dispute Management System (DMS) functionality provides a common platform to all the participating banks to raise and resolve transaction related issues in a time bound manner with provisions of pre-arbitration, arbitration and good faith. DMS also provides the option of tracking the disputes, settlement of disputed transactions, reports and escalation of disputes.
