Offer smooth onboarding and effortless processing of repetitive payments to corporates.
“ is your partner of choice for enterprise ACH payments processing.”
Offer flexible MIS with any level of detail to the corporates in formats which suit their specific need.
Incentivise them to scale their payments. We can handle high volumes elastically.
Enable electronic mandate setup and payments processing as a part of your corporate banking sign-on..
Offer device extensions for field agents and authorizations and notifications to decision-makers.
2.5 M
Active Mandates
$ 1.1 B
Monthly Payment Value Processed
20 M
We will migrate the entire relationship into our platform, so you can acquire new customers in days.
Whatever be your file format specification. we will convert it.
We adhere to stringent security compliance standards to keep your data secure and safe.
We track regulatory requirements and automatically upgrade our solutions, so you can comply with confidence.