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eSign service providers offer the eSign online electronic signature service. Application Service Providers and individuals availing service of ASP are the beneficiaries. eSign online electronic signature service enables ASP to create paperless environment and individual beneficiaries of ASP save cost and time by using this remote signature capability.
The digital signature certificate used to verify the signature is valid for 30 minutes and the private key will be immediately deleted after signing. This eliminates any misuse of the certificate and simplifies the need for checking revocation list during signature verification.
Revocation of certificate is not necessary as the certificate validity is 30 minutes and private key is deleted immediately after signature creation.
The ASPs and eSign online service providers of CAs are bound by the agreement with UIDAI for the confidentiality of information in line with UIDAI agreement.
Yes. The mandate cannot be initiated without a utility code in the MMS system. The utility code helps to identify the corporate for which the mandate is belongs to.
Utility codes are issued by NPCI at the request of the corporate.
As per the RBI directive the cap on the mandate amount currently is Rs.1.00 lakh.
Yes, all mandatorily fields available as clear text in the eSign mandate file to be exactly same in the Signed content tag. It is responsibility of destination bank to ensure properly verified.
The eSign validation system performs below mentioned checks mandatorily.
  • Signature Integrity Check: The validation system performs the eSign signature validation to ensure that the data has not been tampered upon transferring. Thus the system will make sure that the data initiated by the customer for signing is the same data that has been sent by sponsor bank/corporate for verification.
  • X509 Certificate Check: The validation system performs the X509 certificate validation, Trust verification and Certificate revocation check to ensure that the X509 certificate that has been created by a licensed Certifying Authority and sent by sponsor bank on behalf of the customer is of perfect X509 format and it has been issued by a legal authority.
  • Aadhaar Verification:
    Verification 1: At the time of linking the Aadhaar number to account number, bank is verifying the documentary proof as per the internal process and then only liking the Aadhaar number. This process is independent of eSign mandate registration. Verification 2: It validates Aadhaar number available at bank CBS with hashed Aadhaar number provided in the X509 certificate (OID
NACH Credit is an electronic payment service used by an institution for affording credits to a large number of beneficiaries in their bank accounts for the payment of dividend, interest, salary, pension etc. by raising a single debit to the bank account of the user institution.
