The eSign validation system performs below mentioned checks mandatorily.
- Signature Integrity Check: The validation system performs the eSign signature validation to ensure that the data has not been tampered upon transferring. Thus the system will make sure that the data initiated by the
customer for signing is the same data that has been sent by sponsor bank/corporate for verification.
- X509 Certificate Check: The validation system performs the X509 certificate validation, Trust verification and Certificate revocation check to ensure that the X509 certificate that has been created by a licensed Certifying
Authority and sent by sponsor bank on behalf of the customer is of perfect X509 format and it has been issued by a legal authority.
- Aadhaar Verification:
Verification 1: At the time of linking the Aadhaar number to account number, bank is verifying the documentary proof as per the internal process and then only liking the Aadhaar number. This
process is independent of eSign mandate registration. Verification 2: It validates Aadhaar number available at bank CBS with hashed Aadhaar number provided in the X509 certificate (OID